2024-2025 President Rebecca Leigh Brock

Make sure to save-the-date for this year's Annual Convention at The Breakers Palm Beach July 24-26th! We will have an amazing lineup of speakers at the Friday CLE program and numerous special guests including the National ABOTA and Foundation presidents. More information coming soon so stay tuned.


Did you know we have our very own YouTube Channel now?! Click the link below to watch the most recent videos featuring attorneys, judges, and influential individuals from around the great State of Florida. Make sure to subscribe so you don't miss any future content.

 View FLABOTA's YouTube Channel Here

A special thank you to Trilogy Trial Consultants for their support of FLABOTA and excellent editing work on these videos!

Latest News

The ABOTA Fort Lauderdale Chapter presentation, “Practical Aspects of the 2025 Revisions to Fla. R. Civ. P.” is now available for public viewing. Please CLICK THE LINK to access the YouTube video and additional materials.

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