Chapter Leadership

To see upcoming Chapter Events, please scroll down to Chapter News, below.

To reach any of the members of the FLABOTA Board of Directors listed below, please use our "Find a FLABOTA Lawyer" feature on this website.
(Linking their names below to their e-mail addresses increases the possibility of their receiving increased spam.)

Central Florida Chapter

Executive Director:  Marybeth McDonald 
President: Christopher T. Hill 
President Elect:  Armando Payas 
Treasurer:  Hon. Patricia A. Doherty 
Secretary:  Pedro Raul Alvarez , Jr.
National Board Representative:  Rafael E. Martinez 
National Board Representative:  J. Scott Kirk 
National Board Representative:  Marybeth McDonald 
National Board Representative:  Joseph L. Amos , Jr. 
Appointee:  Pedro Raul Alvarez , Jr. 


Ft. Lauderdale Chapter

President:  Anthony Quackenbush
President Elect: Jeffrey A. Adelman 

Treasurer:  Miles A. McGrane , III 
Secretary: Brent Reitman

Past President: David Strong
Secretary: Joseph Kashi
National Board Representative: Jeff S. Abers
National Board Representative: William Clayton
Membership Chair:  Howard Pomerantz 

Jacksonville Chapter

Executive Director:  Kelly A. Karstaedt
President: James L. D'Andrea 
President Elect:  Corinne C. Hodak 
Treasurer:  David M. Dunlap
Secretary:  Brian E. Currie 
Membership Chair:  Geoffrey Sessions
Historian: Raymond Reid
Past President: Curry Pajcic 

National Board Representative: John J. Schickel , Sr. 
Appointee: Joshua A. Whitman 
Appointee: Wayne Hogan 
Appointee: Robert A. Cole 

Miami Chapter

Executive Director:  Michelle Samuelson
President:  Jeffrey R. Davis
President Elect:  Norman M. Waas 
Treasurer:  Deborah J Gander 
Secretary:  Christopher E. Knight 
National Board Representative:  Michael A. Mullen 
National Board Representative:  Joseph J. Kalbac , Jr. 
National Board Representative:  Miranda Lundeen Soto
National Board Representative:  Manuel A. Reboso 

North Florida Chapter

President:  Mark A. Avera 
President Elect:  Jennifer C. Lester 
Treasurer:  Susan M. Seigle 
Secretary:  Susan M. Seigle 
National Board Representative:  Kelly G. Hamer

Northwest Florida Chapter

President:  Robert Palmer
Immediate Past President: Joseph A. Zarzaur

Treasurer: Virginia Buchanan
Past President: Brent Bradley

Palm Beach Chapter

President:  Reed Kellner
Past President: Hubert S. McGinley
President Elect: Rebecca Leigh Brock

Treasurer: Eric Hoecker
Historian: Chubby Damsel
Membership Chair: Robert Rubin
National Board Representative: William W. Price
National Board Representative: Bruce Ramsey
Executive Director: Kathleen Cleveland

Sarasota/Bradenton Chapter

President:  Herbert H. Hofmann, II
Past President/Secretary: Derek A. Reams
Vice President/Treasurer:  David Blake 
National Board Representative:  Laurie S. Zimmerman

Southwest Florida Chapter

President:  Ty Roland
Past President: Kevin Crews

Vice President: Evan Lubell
Secretary: Chris Smith
Treasurer: Kenneth Oliver
Historian: Sharon Hanlon

National Board Representative:  Michael R.N. McDonnell  

Tallahassee Chapter

President:  Sidney Matthew
Treasurer:  Christopher Barkas
Board Member: Lisa Magill Foran
Board Member: Donald Hinkle
Board Member: Kathy Maus
Executive Director: Victoria R. Bramblett

Tampa Bay Chapter

President:  George E. Nader 
President Elect:  Chandra L. Miller 
Vice President: Matthew S. Mudano 
Treasurer: Weston F. Smith 
Secretary: Christopher J. Schulte 
Membership Chair: Aram Papken Megerian 
National Board Representative: C. Howard Hunter 
Immediate Past President & National Board Representative: Kevin McLaughlin




Central Florida Chapter:  Next dinner meeting will be held on May 23, 2018.

Fort Lauderdale Chapter:

Jacksonville Chapter:

Miami Chapter:

6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami - First Dinner Meeting 2019 
Capital Grille (Brickell), Brickell, Miami FL
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Civility Matters Presentation - St. Thomas 
St. Thomas University, Miami Gardens Florida
6:00 pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami March Dinner Meeting  
1:30 pm - 3:30 pm
University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables FL
6pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami April Dinner Meeting  


6pm - 9:00 pm
Third District Court of Appeal Night 
TBA, Florida US
6pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami Summer Cocktail Party!  
4pm - 7:00 pm
ABOTA Miami Vetting Meeting 
Colson Hicks Eidson, Penthouse, Coral Gables Florida
6pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami Voting Meeting!  
6pm - 9:00 pm
ABOTA Miami Dinner Meeting


North Florida Chapter:

Northwest Florida Chapter:

Palm Beach Chapter:

Many exciting plans have been made for 2019.  Your 2019 President, Reed Kellner along with our Executive Board have been hard at work. 

03/02 ABOTA'S Annual Judicial Appreciation Picnic, Ramsey’s Home, 1:00-4:00 p.m.

05/01 Education – ABOTA's Law Day/4th DCA at Oxbridge Academy, 10:00 a.m.

05/07 ABOTA Chapter Meeting – Richman's home, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

07/25-07/27 FLABOTA Annual Conference, Four Seasons Resort Orlando

09/13 ABOTA's James Otis Lecture Series, Palm Beach County School Board, 9-11:30 a.m.

09/26 ABOTA Chapter Meeting – TBD in Stuart 6:00-8:00 p.m.

10/xx Education – ABOTA's Trial College (Full Day Seminar) 

11/07 ABOTA's Annual Judicial Roast, Sailfish Club, 6:00-8:00 p.m.

The Annual Judicial Appreciation Picnic is right around the corner.  Please start spreading the word about the upcoming event.  The year’s theme will be March Madness – dress with pride!  An invitation to the picnic will follow in a few weeks with our online registration at  Please start thinking about being a firm sponsor to support our judiciary at this annual picnic.  We invite not only the judiciary at a complimentary rate but also their entire family.  We could not invite the judiciary without your financial support.

Sarasota/Bradenton Chapter:

Southwest Florida Chapter:

Tallahassee Chapter:

Tampa Bay Chapter:

Feb. 7                First quarterly lunch and New Chapter Member Introduction

April 11              Golf Tournament and Judicial Reception for the 6th Circuit Judges at Feather Sound

April 25              Happy Hour with the University of Tampa Business Law school, professors and students

June 7               Civility and Professionalism Seminar at Stetson Law with keynote speaker Gilbert King

September 20   Otis Lecture Series at Stetson Law

October             (Confirmed date to be determined) Judicial Reception for the 10 Circuit Judges at Historic Bartow Courthouse

November 14    Judicial Reception for the 13th Judicial Circuit and Middle District Judges at Epicurean